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Hearing Tests and Screening

Hearing screening is a wonderful tool that can be used to identify hearing loss at an early age , through non invasive measures that is quick and yields immediate results.

Ear Exam


Looking   in your ear to check your canal and eardrum

Playing with Animals


A tympanogram measures how well your eardrum moves.  This test is valuable in letting us know the status of your middle ear , ie if you have an infection or if there is fluid behind your eardrum  or if there is a hole in the eardrum. We also measure the contraction of a small muscle in the middle ear which contracts in response to loud sounds – this is called an acoustic reflex.

Hearing Tests


Measurement of hearing happens when very soft tones are presented to each ear in a sound proof booth.  This gives us a graph called an audiogram. Additional tests are done to determine the type and degree of hearing loss.



We ask you to repeat back single words heard through the headphones; this helps us get a good understanding of how well you hear and interpret speech.

Hearing Check-Up


This form of objective testing is a quick and reliable measure of the
functioning of your inner ear where the actual organ of hearing lies.
Diagnostic testing provides insight to pathway of sound and the

integrity of the hair cells within the cochleae.

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